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Defense Bill Amounting to $662 Billion Approved by US Senate

Defense bill amounting to a massive $662 billion was approved by the US Senate despite the veto threat.

The defense bill is said to empower the military to hold suspected terrorists linked to al-Qaeda or its affiliates, and to detain some those captured on U.S. soil.

The bill, which got a unanimous 93 over only 7 who are not in favor, will authorize funds for military personnel, weapons systems, national security programs in the Energy Department, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Critics, however, complained that the deal was weighted toward the military because it required any suspected al Qaeda terrorists to be detained indefinitely, and they believe this responsibility belongs, in part, to law enforcement agencies and the federal courts. Lawmakers are also skeptical for the possibility that some Americans could possibly be detained indefinitely by the military without due process.

In an escalating fight with the White House, the bill would increase the role of the military in handling terror suspects. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and FBI Director Robert Mueller both oppose the provisions as does the White House, which said it cannot accept any legislation that "challenges or constrains the president's authorities to collect intelligence, incapacitate dangerous terrorists and protect the nation."


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