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Lady Gaga is Highest-Earning Female Singer of 2011

Lady Gaga has earned more than double of the music sales of her runner-up Taylor Swift in 2011, according Forbes' Magazine.

According to the latest survey of Forbes Magazine, Lady Gaga is the Top Earning Female Artist of 2011 (a.k.a. the Top Earning Woman in Music).

The "Born this Way" singer/songwriter has grossed a whopping $170 million on 137 shows in 22 countries over the past 12 months. And Earnings from radio play, recorded music sales and endorsement deals from Polaroid, Virgin Mobile, Monster Cable, Viva Glam, etch. are not yet included!

As for music sales, Forbes' said Gaga earned $90 million in the last 12 months, more than the combined earnings of second and third placers Taylor Swift ($45 million) and Katy Perry ($44 million).

Here's Forbes Magazine's Top-Earning Women in Music for 2011:

1. Lady Gaga - $90 million
2. Taylor Swift - $45 million
3. Katy Perry - $44 million
4. Beyonce - $35 million
5. Rihanna - $29 million
6. Pink - $22 million
7. Carrie Underwood - $20 million
8. Celine Dion - $19 million
9. Adele 0 $18 million
10. Britney Spears and Alicia Keys - $10 million

Overall, U2 was Forbes' top act in music, with the band raking in $195 million in 2011.


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  2. [...] original post here: Lady Gaga is Highest-Earning Female Singer of 2011 Related Posts:Lady Gaga Named Forbes’ Top Earning Female Singer of 2011 Lady Gaga has earned more [...]

  3. [...] Lady Gaga is Highest-Earning Female Singer of 2011 Lady Gaga has earned more than double of the music sales of her runner-up Taylor Swift in 2011, according Forbes’ Magazine. According to the latest survey of Forbes Magazine, Lady Gaga is the Top Earning Female Artist of 2011 (a.k.a. the Top Earning Woman in Music). The “Born this Way” singer/songwriter has grossed a whopping [...] [...]


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