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Political Analyst Adel Tamano Sheds Light on the Issue of Constitutional Crisis in 'The Bottomline'

President Noynoy Aquino’s recent controversial bashing of the Supreme Court and Chief Justice Renato Corona remains a hot topic in the news and social networking sites.

Amid opposition lawmakers’ warning of a constitutional crisis following the continued rift between the executive and the judiciary, well-known lawyer and political analyst Adel Tamano takes the ‘hot seat’ this Saturday (December 10) in “The Bottomline with Boy Abunda” to shed light on recent political issues that have an impact on the lives of the ordinary tax-paying Filipinos.

Join King of Talk Boy Abunda, the students from De La Salle University and Far Eastern University; and “bottomliners” Nini Borja, Mike Lopez, Dr.Denis Ngo, Gibby Gorres, Xiao Chua, Atty. Martin Uy, at Gem Garcia and discover the legalities behind the NAIA standoff; disbarment case against Justice Secretary Leila de Lima; hospital arrest of former President and now Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo; CGMA’s hospital arrest in Veterans Memorial Medical Center; at the feared constitutional crisis.

Don’t miss 25th PMPC Star Awards for Television Best Public Affairs Program, “The Bottomline with Boy Abunda,” every Saturday night, 11:30pm, after “Banana Split” on ABS-CBN. For more updates, log on to or follow abscbndotcom on Twitter.


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