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Cockroach That Jumps: New Species 'Leaproach' is a Jumping Cockroach

Cockroach that jumps is a species of cockroach that has just been discovered according to a report by Biology Letters on December 14.

The cockroach is called "leaproach" with the scientific name Saltoblattella montistabularis and it has been discovered in South Africa. The jumping cockroach can jump 50 times the length of its body which makes it special from other species of the dreaded pest insect.

The leaproach's hind legs are twice the length of its other legs and make up 10 percent of their total body weight. Its sturdy antennae, on the other hand, help stabilize the insect at it leaps.

Zoologist Mike Picker is the one responsible for the discovery of the cockroach that jumps while he was hunting for a fly larvae in the Table Mountain nature reserve.

Check out the video of the jumping cockroach here:


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