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Media Noche is the Filipino Thanksgiving Feast

Media Noche is a Spanish term which means "Midnight Meal." It is a Filipino tradition wherein the whole family gather after midnight (or the dawn of the new year) to eat together for a thanksgiving feast just like what Americans do every fourth Sunday of November.

It's a Filipino belief that preparing a lavish dinner for the coming year will bring good luck.

The usual food being served in Media Noche are ham, keso de bola, chicken, noodles (pancit for long life), pork, beef, buco salad, leche flan and various rice cakes. Some Pinoys also serve at least 12 round fruits placed in a basket, not only for decoration but as a sign of prosperity for the next 12 months.

Happy New Year everyone!

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  1. [...] Kath and I had the opportunity to prepare dinner.  We had tortillas and salsa as appetizers as appetizers while having Dad and Mom watch “The Blind Side” while we get to complete the final touches for our dinner and media-noche. [...]


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