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Celine Acut Becomes Infamous Overnight Over Insensitive Facebook Post About Sendong Victims

Celine Acut has been the subject of hatred among Filipino netizens over the past 24 hours after she posted an insensitive statement on Facebook about the typhoon Sendong victims.

It's not yet confirmed if Celine Acut is a real person of just a dummy account but according to her alleged Facebook profile, she's a Filipino living in France.

The above screen capture of her supposed Facebook posts have gone viral angering Filipino netizens around the world.

She said "almost all of the victims are poor families" based from what she saw in the news. She opined that that the said typhoon victims are "better" dead because according to her, "whats the point of living a life which is full of hunger, at least they are now resting with peace..they are worthless, they are unproductive and their lives has no value at al.. they are just making more problems to the society so as i said its better that they have died this early.. they don’t desserve a chance to live because they are poor, they are not VIP anyways."

And here is her follow up post:

“I even wish sendong to come back and flash away those remaining poor families over there.”

As of this posting, there are several Facebook pages created to criticize and condemn Celine Acut. One Facebook page has the title "Celine Acut Must Be Burned Alive!! Yawa Ka."


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