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Video from Taiwan Features P-Noy and Pacman vs Big Panda (China)

Taiwan's has released a viral video featuring our very own P-Noy and Pacman fighting a giant Panda (representing China) in an animated parody about the Scarborough Shoal dispute.

The video titled "Philippines, China in South China Sea Standoff" which was released by the Taiwanese tabloid sensation is asking the thought-provoking question: "Who is going to tell the Chinese how ridiculous their claims are?"

The first part features President Noynoy Aquino breaking a Chinese flag pole hoisted by a huge panda. He later fights with the giant bear using a hammer.

The second part of the video features Manny Pacquiao (coached by Uncle Sam) in a fist-fight with the giant panda.

The video was released on Thursday, May 10, a day before the multi-country rallies staged by Filipinos to protest China's "bullying." As of this posting, the video has already accumulated 36,542 hits.

The video is also asking the viewer to "LIKE" if you are pro-Philippines and "DISLIKE" if you are pro-China on this one.


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