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Ninoy Aquino - The Greatest President We Never Had

According to former Senator Jovito Salonga, Ninoy Aquino was the greatest president we never had. And it's true. As we are celebrating Ninoy's 28th death anniversary today, August 21, we will remember once more what he did to restore democracy in our country.

This year, his son Noynoy Aquino through presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda in a statement said: “May the Filipino people never forget him and the many others who fought for the restoration of our democracy, and may future generations continue to hold dear the example Ninoy Aquino set for us through his life, his struggles, and his sacrifice.”

Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr.(November 27, 1932 – August 21, 1983) was a Filipino Senator and a former Governor of Tarlac. Together with Gerry Roxas and Jovito Salonga, they formed the leadership of the opposition to the Marcos regime in the years leading to the imposition of martial law in the Philippines.

In 1973 he was arrested and incarcerated for 7 years, but was allowed to depart for the United States to seek medical treatment after he suffered a heart attack in 1980.

In 1983, Aquino met his demise at the Manila International Airport when he returned to the Philippines despite threat that he will be assassinated. This courageous act has awakened the political awareness of Filipinos to fight for freedom against the dictatorship of Ferdinand E. Marcos. Millions lined up the streets to pay their last respect to Ninoy.

Inspired by the heroic act of Ninoy, the Filipinos came in full force on February 25, 1986 to end the dictatorship of Marcos once and for all. Dubbed as the "People Power Revolution," it was recognized as a worldwide phenomenon that inspired other countries as well.

Manila International Airport has been renamed Ninoy Aquino International Airport in his honor. The anniversary of his death is a national holiday in the Philippines, now known as the Ninoy Aquino Day.


  1. Not convinced his achievements to be one as a hero.Death on the tarmac maybe done by people with personal reasons.Nothing clear about the death at the tarmac as to the mastermind,then only we will know the real reason.

  2. EMMANUEL J. VILLAFUERTEAugust 21, 2011 at 4:22 PM

    ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE BENEFITED FROM THE MARTIAL LAW YEARS WILL DISREGARD THE HEROIC ACT OF FORMER SEN. NONOY AQUINO.I PERSONALLY THANK HIM,FOR HIS TIMELY ARRIVAL, BUT UNTIMELY DEATH;IT GIVE US HOPE FOR THE RESTORATION OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY.We graduated from College March 1983,and he was shot August;If not for his ultimate sacrifices,many will go to the underground in frustrations and despair to fight the armed struggle against the dreaded Marcos Dictatorship.Hwag si Marcos ilibing sa Libingan ng Bayani.Ilibing yan sa LIMOT!!!


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