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Cultural Center of the Philippines Closes Down Controversial Gallery

The Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) finally decided to shut down the controversial art exhibit of artist Mideo Cruz.

The gallery, called "Politeismo," received criticisms from religious and NGO units for featuring artworks of several versions of Jesus Christ and other religious objects decorated with a red penis or other odd objects. The Catholic Church described the gallery as "blasphemous" and "sacrilegious."

"Due to numerous emails, text messages and other letters sent to various officers of the CCP, and to the artists themselves, with an increasing number of threats to persons and property, the members of the Board of the Cultural Center of the Philippines have decided to close down the Main Gallery where the Kulo Exhibit is on display," the CCP said in an official statement.

However, CCP claims that it was not the first time that "Politeismo" has been exhibited as it had been featured in Ateneo de Manila, UP Vargas Musueum and Kulay Diwa since 2002.

Despite the closure of the said exhibit, Lawyer Jo Imbong of the St. Thomas More Society of Lawyers said they will file criminal charges against the CCP and artist Mideo Cruz for offending Christians.


  1. "The CCP loses its balls and decided to kowtow to the wishes of the self-righteous christians." THAT'S what the headline should have said. Haven't these people heard of the right of free speech and the freedom of expression? Or do we throw away one of the biggest gains of civilization when the religious wants to have its hurt feelings vindicated. I'm no Marxist, but I think Marx was right when he so brilliantly put it," The criticism of religion is the beginning of all criticisms, if you have no right to criticize religion you have no rights AT ALL."

  2. To the CCP Management:
    I just want to convey my congratulations for deciding to close the "controversial exhibit" in your Institution. I also commend for the resignations of those who were involved in the direct management of the CCP because of your disgraceful act and for hurting the Filipino people who love God above all. We are paying your salaries thru our taxes and please do your work with integrity, for peace and harmony which is beneficial to our country.

  3. Para sa eksibit na ipinakita ni G. Ginoong Mideo Cruz AT NG CCP OFFICIAL, nagpapakikita ito ng isang Arte (o hindi paggalang?) na kung saan dapat lamang na iilan o sa isang pribadong pagtatanghal lamang ginagawa at gayon din sana ang pag.iisip ng mga namumuno ng CCP. Kasi alam mo namang ang mga imaheng iyon ay mga gamit ng Katoliko tapos gaganunin mo…… nasan ang iyong paggalang sa Katolisismo…..Wag nilang sabihin na isang Arte…cge isang Arte pero….sa ginawang pamamaraan naging bastos iyon kasi… sa kanilang mga pananalita at mga paliwanag lumalabas na hindi sila pabor sa Katolismo at sa mga imahen, pero hindi dapat ilagay sa gayon paraan ang isang arte….lumalabas ngang pilosopo ang mga taong umaayon sa eksibit at pati narin ang CCP officials….WAG NILANG SABIHIN NA HINDI NAMAN ITO ANG TUNAY NA LARAWAN NG DIYOS…PERO MAY ARAL KA (posibleng mataas pa nga; kung meron nga) AT IYAN HINDI BASTA MABABAGO SA ISIP AT PUSO NG KAHIT NA SINUNG KATOLIKO NA ANG MGA LARAWAN NA GINAMIT SA SINASABING ARTE EH HINDI WASTO……

    Eto nalang…IBIGAY MO SA AKING ANG LARAWAN NG IYUNG mahal na mahal na “INA”na ipinagkatagotago mo pa sa kalilaliman ng iyong pitaka AT BIBIGYAN KITA NG LARAWAN O IMAHEN NG ISANG KATOLIKO SABAY NATING “BABABUYIN ANG IMAHEN AT ANG LARAWAN” AT “ILULUBLOB PA sa ISANG PUTIKAN PUSALI”…….. anu MR. CRUZ and CCP Government officials, patina rin ikaw David Celdran (natural aayunan mo kasi minsan mo ng binastos ang mga Pari) ang mararamdaman mo kung gagawin natin ang gayon…….

    Ngaun isinarado nyo na ang eksibit, wag niyong ipagsanggalng ang mga pananakot na natatangap ninyo dahil sa pagpapakita ng eksibit na ito…….. NATAKOT KA…KASI HINDI KA (CCP OFFICIALS) nag.isip kung anu ang magiging komento sa eksibit ng sinsabi mong arte……….. dun nlng sa oras na habang kinakabit ang bawat kwadro, wala ba manlang sa mga taga CCP OFFICIALS ang NAG.ISIP niyon, …..OO nga pala may freedom of expression na tayo……hay naku…..siyempre kailangan parin mag.Isip kung panu gagamitin ang “kalayaan” na yaon…..Mr. President (Honorable Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III……mukhang wala sa tuwid na landas ang mga Taga CCP…… mukhang gumagamit pa rin sila ng WAng-Wang sa loob ng Sentrong Pangkultura ng Pilipinas……(oops….paalala lang po….hindi po kasama ang pagiging “Bastos” sa Kultura ng isang PILIPINO)……… (Hindi po ako galit sa kahit sa sinung taong aking nabanggit pero dun po sa SITWASYON)……Salamat at Magandang Umaga sa Lahat.

  4. Nicasio EvangelistaAugust 9, 2011 at 2:14 PM

    With regards to the controversial gallery,I'm posting this comments not as someone against any sectarian group,but as a christian-a servant of God.My true intention is to convey what is the truth as written in the Holy Bible which is the basis of christian faith.
    I do believe that an artist is doing some art to convey some hidden thoughts or feelings to anyone.
    Now,in this particular case,if the artist have done this with the sole intention to malign deeply in his or her heart the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ,then he or she is in danger of the fire of hell.However,if it is his or her intention to remind us about idolatry,then in my honest opinion he or she has a point,but in a proper way or venue that no one is offended,like encouraging someone to think twice or a hundred times to consider searching the truth.

  5. Nicasio EvangelistaAugust 9, 2011 at 6:37 PM

    My dear brothers & sisters,for the sake of enlightenment for true knowledge & wisdom,the Lord our God said; Isaiah 42:8"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."If someone says;"my prayers have been answered by my offerings to these graven images";don't be mislead for it is written;Jeremias 10:3-5"For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.";"They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.";"They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.";and also Matthew 8:17"That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses." Also you can red Psalms 115:4-8"Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.";"They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not:";"They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not:";"They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat." & "They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them."

  6. Nicasio EvangelistaAugust 9, 2011 at 6:53 PM

    Bear in mind also that it is not for us to judge anyone,for it is written;Matthew 7:1-2"Judge not, that ye be not judged.";"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." Also remember the great saying which says;Proverbs 10:18"He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool."
    Therefore,if we wish to convey something for reproof for our fellowmen, we should do it in a manner as written in 2Timoteo 4:2"Ipangaral mo ang salita; magsikap ka sa kapanahunan, at sa di kapanahunan, sumawata ka, sumaway ka, mangaral ka na may buong pagpapahinuhod at pagtuturo."
    God bless you all.

  7. "Ang exhibit na ipinakita ni Gonoong Medio Cruz isang malaking kawalang respeto sa imahe ng Panginoong Hesukristo, ng Sinbahang katoliko at higit sa lahat ng pananampalataya ng mga Kristyano't Muslim. Mga kapatid ating alalahanin: ang paggawa ng isng bagay ay nakabatay di lamang alang-alang sa ikatutuwa ng mga tao nginit sa ikatutuwa mismo ng Diyos."

    In an interview Mr. Medio Cruz said,"...seminarians doesn't have any violent reaction in his exhibit." But brother and sisters I tell you, "I am a seminarian. I and my community were greatly insulted to what Mr. Cruz and his company have ehxibited. Being a seminarian, every religious images issued to the public are holy. They must be respected and honored.


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