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Identical Triplets from Oregon and Pennsylvania (Video)

Identical triplets are very rare medical event but it happened on May 25 in Portland, Oregon and another identical triplets were born on June 8 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

identical triplets

Identical triplets are so rare that according to reports, it only happens once in 500,000 pregnancies.

However in the last 30 days, there were two occurrence in the United States, one in Portland and the other one in Oregon.

Last May 25, Oregon Live reported that three identical babies were born at Randall’s Children Hospital in Portland, three months before their due date.

The three boys, namely Liam, Bradley, and Eli were sons of Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Jessica Beasly.

The identical triplets are still inside a preemie crib that delivers a womb-like atmosphere with heat and humidity and are only opened for check ups and diaper changes every four hours.

The triplets will spend 6 to 12 weeks at Randall Children’s Hospital before Jessica and her husband Eric are ready to raise 5 children under the age of 5 inside their household.

Jessica was quoted as saying that it was both "a challenge and a blessing."

Watch the video below:

Meanwhile, another identical triplets were born on June 8, this one is from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The three boys were named by their parents as Daniel Jeffrey, Ryder James and Garrett Cambell.

Their mother, Jennifer Price, said via an interview that the identical triplets were "born at 8:42, 8:43 and 8:44," just a minute gap for each.

According to the Wikipedia, a multiple birth occurs when more than one fetus is carried to term in a single pregnancy. Different names for multiple births are used, depending on the number of offspring. Common multiples are two and three, known as twins and triplets.

Multiple birth siblings are either monozygotic or dizygotic. The former result from a single fertilized egg or zygote splitting into two or more embryos, each carrying the same genetic material (genes). Siblings created from one egg are commonly called identical. Since identical multiples share the same genetic material, they are always the same sex.

The triplets from Pennsylvania and Oregon share the same condition meaning they came from a single egg, and this is extremely rare. According to Dr. Francis J. Martinez of Pinnacle Health, identical triples occur only once in every 500,000 births.


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