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Identical Triplets Born in Pennsylvania

Identical triplets were born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on June 5, 2012.

Identical triplets are so rare that according to reports, it only happens once in 500,000 pregnancies.

But Last June 5 at Portland's Randall Children Hospital, Jessica Beasly gave birth to three identical boys, one minute apart.

Named Daniel Jeffrey, Ryder James and Garrett Cambell, the identical triplets arrived more than three months before they're supposed to be born.

“It’s one day at a time. You don’t know what to expect but right now everything is good,” said their smiling Mom Jessica.

“We’re watching their breathing and making sure that their airways stay open,” explained NICU nurse Larissa Raze.

The Beasly triplets have two siblings, Zachary who is only 2 years old and Sophia, 4.

The triplets are still inside a preemie crib that delivers a womb like atmosphere with heat and humidity and are only opened for check ups and diaper changes every four hours.

“I have gotten to take their temperature and change a few diapers,” said Jessica.

The triplets will spend 6 to 12 weeks at Randall Children’s Hospital. Then Jessica and her husband Eric are ready to raise 5 children under the age of 5.

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