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Mister International 2013 - 11 Hot Favorites

Discussions about Miss Universe 2013 died down and so it's time to move on to the next international pageant. Let's go to a male contest this time. It seems like it is a South American onslaught for this year's Mister International pageant which is scheduled to culminate next week, November 21, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

In the photo is last year's winner Ali Hammoud of Lebanon

This will be the 8th year of the global contest and the Philippines will be represented by 22 year-old Cebuano Gil Wagas. Gil will try to grab the title from 37 other delegates scheduled to compete. The Philippines has never won the title and never ranked as a runner-up in the contest although the country entered as a semi-finalist in 4 years.

With photos from Missossology, the Mr. International 2013 Facebook page, Nuestra Belleza's website and Global Beauties, The Lifestyle Hub compiled the 11 contestants who are getting media attention as of this writing and will most likely assume the title from last year's winner Ali Hammoud of Lebanon.



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