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President Noynoy Aquino Lands on TIME's '100 Most Influential People' List

Philippine President Noynoy Aquino and US President Barrack Obama now have one thing in common. They're both included on TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World list for 2013.

[caption id="attachment_83837" align="alignnone" width="350"]Noynoy Aquino on the cover of TIME Magazine's April 24, 2010 issue Noynoy Aquino on the cover of TIME Magazine's April 24, 2010 issue[/caption]

Flashback: President Noynoy Aquino graced the cover of TIME Magazine's April 24, 2010 issue with the questioning headline: "Can Noynoy Save the Philippines?" Three years after, Noynoy made it on the magazine's "100 Most Influential" list. Now, we know the answer to that question.

TIME Magazine, via its official website on Thursday, praised the Philippine President for steering the country's economy to become Asia's 'Next Big Thing.'

Here's the write-up about Aquino by Howard Chua-Eoan for this year's TIME 100:

His father was the Philippines’ most famous political martyr, his mother its most beloved President. Benigno (“Noynoy”) Aquino III inherited that legacy and, boosted by national mourning at the death of Corazon Aquino in August 2009, won the presidency in 2010. President Aquino quickly began making his own name. The sputtering economy stabilized and became hot. Aquino pushed through a reproductive-rights law that many said was impossible in the fervently Catholic nation. Most important, he became the face of the regional confrontation with Beijing over its claim to virtually all of the South China Sea. It is a brave stance, the long-term consequences still unknown.

In a country of nicknames, Filipinos proudly call their President PNoy — a pun on the word they use for themselves: Pinoy. For his courage, however, he really should have the pet name the family gave his eldest sister Maria Elena: Ballsy.

Here are TIME's 100 Most Influentital People for 2013:


Jay Z
Valerie Jarrett
Elon Musk
Oh-Hyun Kwon
Scooter Braun
Kevin Systrom
Michael Kors
Palaniappan Chidambaram
Ren Zhengfei
Gina Rinehart
Ted Sarandos
Markus Persson and Jens Bergensten
Igor Sechin
Tadashi Yanai
Sam Yagan
Shonda Rhimes
Lebron James
David Einhorn
Magnus Carlsen
Sheryl Sandberg


Rand Paul
Noynoy Aquino
Barack Obama
Chris Christie
Hassan Sheik Mohamud
John Brennan
Park Geun-hye
Yair Lapid
Wayne LaPierre
Kamala Harris
Fethullah Gulen
Xi Jinping
Wilfredo De Jesús
Tom Coburn
Kim Jong Un
Abdullah Ocalan
Enrique Peña Nieto
Elena Kagan
Joe Biden
Susana Martinez
Mario Draghi
Joyce Banda
Pope Francis


Jennifer Lawrence
Christina Aguilera
Steven Spielberg
Jonathan Ive
Alex Atala
Ed Ruscha
Mindy Kaling
Jenna Lyons
Bryan Cranston
George Saunders
Jimmy Kimmel
Wang Shu
Hilary Mantel
Frank Ocean
Jimmy Fallon


Aamir Khan
Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller
Marissa Mayer
Hannah Gay, Katherine Luzuriaga and Deborah Persaud
Bassem Youssef
Joaquim Barbosa
Vrinda Grover
Perry Chen
Roya Mahboob
David Coleman
Travis Tygart
Eric Greitens
Andrew Sheng
Don Yeomans
Jared Cohen
Moncef Marzouki
Christopher Fabian and Erica Kochi
Kimberly Blackwell
Kai-Fu Lee
Mary Nichols
Peter Theisinger and Richard Cook


Malala Yousafzai
Lena Dunham
Mario Balotelli
Peng Liyuan
Aung San Suu Kyi
Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde
Lindsey Vonn
Justin Timberlake
Gabrielle Giffords
Daniel Day-Lewis
Kate Middleton
Michelle Obama
Li Na


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