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Miriam Defensor Santiago Tells Fr. Arevalo that 'Hell' is Just a Metaphor

Miriam Defensor Santiago responded to Fr. Catalino Arevalo's statement that she is "worthy of the fires of hell" for berating the House prosecutors during the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona.

In a statement, Santiago is challenging the priest for a debate saying that under a resolution by the Second Vatican Council, "there is no hell; but even if there is, there is nobody there.”

Santiago added that hell is not a geographical place but just a "metaphor" used by the Scriptures to imply the condition of a man's distance from God.

“Under Vatican 2, the story of Genesis is no longer a historical fact but a myth. The Bible should not be read literally, but should be read in its Aramaic context. Unfortunately, some of the religious refuse to accept the changes started by Vatican 2,” she said.

Fr. Catalino Arevalo, over the weekend, said Senator Santiago should issue a public apology for her inappropriate tirades against the House prosecutors during the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona.

“If you call anybody ‘you fool,’ you are worthy of the fires of hell. And she called them gago, which is Filipino for fool, before millions of people,” Fr. Arevalo said.

With regards to the “hell” comment, the priest at the historic Our Lady of Edsa Shrine said it was Jesus who said that and not him.

Although the priest did not mention the name of the feisty Senator, Fr. Arevalo’s clue gave it instantly.

“Well, that was before millions of people. So she is, in conscience, bound to make a formal apology before millions of people if God will forgive her. That’s the teaching of Jesus. You don’t do that, and if you do that, you have to retract it by making a formal apology before millions of people, otherwise you remain worthy of the fires of hell,” he told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

In a recent radio interview, Santiago also mentioned that she doesn’t need to apologize to anybody.

“They want me to change my personality. Hindi na possible ‘yan because I was born this way eh,” the feisty Senator said.

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