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Philippine Rugby Team - Too Sexy for Billboards?

The Bench billboard along EDSA-Guadalupe featuring the members of the Philippine rugby team, also known as Philippine Volcanoes, in their underwear has been removed.

Mandaluyong City Mayor Benhur Abalos said Bench have agreed to take down the said sexy billboard upon his request.

"Hindi ko pinapaalis, I am just requesting advertisers to have it removed," Abalos told

Abalos reasoned out that the billboard was inappropriate, especially since it was placed prominently along a busy area.

"That road is in the center of Metro Manila, ang daming dumadaan," Abalos said, adding that he's specially concerned about the children who can see the ad.

The mayor clarified that this act is not a moral issue.

"Baka sabihin nila nagpapaka-moralista ako. I'm not very conservative," he said.

The mayor's next target is another Bench Body billboard located along EDSA Guadalupe, which features the Azkals' team captain, Aly Borromeo in his underwear (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE AD).

Cross-published in Starmometer


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