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New Loch Ness Photo Released!

New Loch Ness Photo taken by popular Loch Ness monster hunter George Edwards has been released to the media.

George Edwards, a popular Loch Ness hunter from Scotland, has released a photo of a bump on the water in what he believed as the mythological creature "Loch Ness" monster. The photo is now spreading on various international news sites, blogs and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

According to reports, the photograph was taken by Edwards on November 2, 2011 from the deck of his boat named “Nessie Hunter.”

“It was slowly moving up the loch towards Urquhart Castle and it was a dark grey colour. It was quite a fair way from the boat, probably about half a mile away but it’s difficult to tell in water,” Edwards reportedly said.

Edwards explained that it took him several months before he release the photograph because he had it examined by “experts” first.

“I did not want to mention my sighting until I was sure that I had not photographed a log or something inanimate in the water. I have friends in the USA who have friends in the military. They had my photo analysed and they have no doubt that I photographed an animate object in the water.I was really excited as I am sure that some strange creatures are lurking in the depths of Loch Ness,” he said.

Photo Credit: Inquistr


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