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LIVE STREAM: SONA 2012 of President Noynoy - Live Streaming

President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III will deliver his State of the Nation Adrress (SONA) around 4:00pm today, July 23, at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City.

This is actually P-Noy's 3rd SONA to date and according to reports, he will deliver it in full Tagalog with visual aids to convey the message easily.

Watch the President's State of the Nation Address (SONA) here:

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Experts Worldwide Agree: Transfer Mali to a Sanctuary

Manila Zoo's Elephant Continues to Suffer Physically, Mentally in Solitary Confinement

Manila — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia has been calling for the transfer of Mali, the Manila Zoo's 38-year-old lone and ailing elephant, to a reputable sanctuary, where she can live out her remaining years in good health and dignity as well as in the crucial company of other elephants. Now, PETA's call is being amplified by internationally recognized elephant experts. In addition to her depressed mental state, Mali is suffering from severe foot disorders—the leading cause of premature death in captive elephants. Mali is cruelly denied socialization, stimulation, room to explore, and everything else that is natural and important to her. She endures intensive confinement, loneliness, boredom, and isolation in an area a tiny fraction of the size of her natural habitat.

Here is what the experts are saying:

· Kelly and Richard Probst, founders of Elephant Advocacy (U.S.): "It is an elephant's destiny and deepest joy to wander great distances with their family and herd members by their side. Elephants have a complex social system that includes continuous communion throughout the day with family members and herds from distant regions. Elephant social structure and familial bonds are similar, if not deeper, than that of human beings …. For the Manila Zoo to ignore this call to action reflects their self-interest and has nothing to do with Mali's welfare or elephant conservation and education."

· Dr. Marion E. Garaï, Ph.D., chairperson, Space for Elephants Foundation (South Africa); chairperson, Elephant Specialist Advisory Group (South Africa); consultant, the European Elephant Group: "[Mali's] current facility is one of the worst I have seen. The concrete she is forced to walk on inside and outside is damaging to her feet and bones …. In addition, the concrete is surely humid most of the time, given the climate in the Philippines. Humidity will cause arthritis and can cause foot disease and other problems …. There is nothing more important to a female elephant than her family and being among other elephants. It is totally unacceptable and terrible that Mali has been in isolation for 33 years of her life."

· Petra ten Velde, consultant, Sacred Earth Encounters (South Africa): "Elephant herds are matriarchal, which means that they are guided by the oldest females in the herd. Normally, the oldest female with the most life experience will be in charge of making sure her herd is safe and can guide her herd to the best water holes and feeding grounds …. To no degree is the zoo where Mali is currently being kept in relaying any educational information to the general public on elephants. More than anything, it is exposing a disgraceful situation which needs urgent correction."

· Soraida Salwala, founder and secretary general, Friends of the Asian Elephant (Thailand): "Elephants need to be with their own kind, be it one or two other females, because they are social animals. They live in herds in the wild. Although some have been in captivity, but they need their friends around."

· Dr. Angela Stoeger-Horwath, Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna (Austria): "Female elephants are highly intelligent and are known to have a very complex social network. Born into a family, females stay with this family for the rest of their lives, taking care of each other and keeping vocal contact even when separated for a short period of time during feeding. Female elephants, besides primates, are the most social creatures that I have ever experienced. Keeping such a social animal isolated from conspecifics, leads to abnormal behaviour and a poor general state of health."

· Dr. Vicki Fishlock, research associate, Amboseli Trust for Elephants (Kenya): "Even more crucially than physical space, Mali’s residence at the Manila Zoo cannot offer appropriate social conditions for a female elephant. It is aberrant for elephants to be kept in solitary conditions: In the wild, female elephants live in families, with companionships that may persist for 60 years or more. Female elephants have been shown to recognise at least 100 other female companions … and will daily reinforce their social bonds through intense greeting ceremonies, as well as repeated tactile contacts (rubbing against one another, sleeping while leaning on each other, and touching each other with trunks and tails). Research in the wild has shown that disturbed elephant populations who have suffered family structure breakdown due to poaching exhibit chronic increases in stress hormone levels …. I would argue that the removal of companions and lack of emotional support have placed Mali under similar stress levels, and this severely compromises both her psychological wellbeing and her physical condition."

· Philip K. Ensley, D.V.M., diplomat, American College of Zoological Medicine (U.S.): "I understand completely all the issues that must be taken into account when it comes to arriving at a decision to provide appropriate care for the lone Asian elephant Mali …. I know that after carefully weighing all the options you will agree that relocating Mali [is] the appropriate thing to do for her well-being."

Just last month, Dr. Henry Richardson, a world-renowned elephant veterinarian, conducted a visual examination of Mali and concluded that she is suffering from potentially fatal foot problems. Also in June, the Most Reverend José S. Palma, archbishop of Cebu and president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, expressed strong support for transferring Mali.

The complete testimony of the elephant experts cited above is available upon request. For more information, please visit

Photo Credit: Images Philippines
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Poll: Janine, Queenierich, Nicole & Stephanie - Who is PHL's Best Bet?

All four Pinay beauty queens have been crowned and they are all set to compete in their respective grand slam pageant later this year. Who among them do you think has the biggest chance of bringing home a crown for the country?

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'Run for the Pasig River 2012' Invades Quezon City

ABS-CBN Foundation’s Kapit Bisig Para sa Ilog Pasig (KBPIP) will be staging its fourth advocacy run to clamor for cleaner rivers and esteros in Metro Manila via “09.30.2012 Run for the Pasig River” to be held in Quezon City on September 30, 2012.

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Proposal to map the coral reefs of the Philippines

For those who are interested in sea-life around their country, it is important to keep track of the situation below the water. Now, two experts from the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute have encouraged the mapping of all marine resources in the Philippines, especially the surrounding coral reefs. This is important because by knowing how large the coral reefs are, experts will find it easier to work out what the population is of first-class fish.

The findings from this should prove very interesting for those who work with marine species, and even those who are interested in the state of the country's coral reefs, reading about them after playing a game or two of party poker. The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources has several vessels that can be used to do this. While they can patrol fishing grounds, they can also help experts to map out all of the coral reefs of the whole country, thus enabling valuable research into marine species to be carried out.

Unfortunately, as well as being beautiful and vibrant, these coral reefs tend to be a place where foreign fisherman like to fish. They poach on the reefs before taking their catch to their markets at home, and leaving the reefs with less fish than before. For example, this happens in parts of Masbate as well as other islands that are remote from the main areas in the Philippines. Here, the main fish species such as grouper and snapper end up being sold as dried fish just because certain areas are devoid of proper storage facilities. If more research is carried out into the state of the coral reefs, then experts can determine the real situation as far as the fish around the Philippines are concerned.?
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LIVE STREAM: Dolphy's Burial Live Streaming from Heritage Park

The King of Comedy, Dolphy, will be brought to his final resting place at 3:00pm today, July 15, at the Heritage Park in Taguig City.

Watch the live stream of Dolphy's burial that will start at 10:00am at the Heritage Park until 3:00pm when he will be laid to rest.


The schedule of activities are as follows:

10:00am - Mass at the Heritage Chapel
12:00nn - Pull-out from the Heritage Chapel
2:00pm - Mortuary release
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Jhon Marcia in Swimsuit and National Costume - Mr. Universe Model 2012

Check out the swimwear and national costume photos of our very own Jhon Marcia, who is currently in Dominican Republic representing the Philippines in the Mr. Universe Model 2012 pageant.

Swimsuit pictorial:

National Costume:

Images courtesy of Julio Rodriguez of Belleza Venezolana
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Muñoz vs Weidman to Air on ABS-CBN

The most anticipated fight of the “Filipino Wrecking Machine”, Mark Muñoz vs Chris Weidman will be aired this Saturday on the third and final episode of the three-part documentary, “UFC sa ABS-CBN: Mark Muñoz, The Ultimate Pinoy Fighter”.

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Nobel Prize Winner Calls for Transfer of Manila Zoo's Ailing Elephant to Sanctuary

J.M. Coetzee has become the latest high-profile person to throw his support behind People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia's campaign to have Mali—an ailing and solitary 38-year-old elephant who is currently wasting away in the Manila Zoo—transferred to a reputable sanctuary in Thailand.

"I am writing in support of the campaign to remove the elephant Mali from the zoo in Manila where she has spent the past 35 years, to a place of safety," writes Coetzee in a letter to the Philippine department of agriculture. "Thirty-five years is a heavy sentence to bear, longer than is served by most murderers. Mali has paid the penalty for not being fortunate enough to be born human. Now it is time to release her."

Coetzee's work has garnered him the highest praise. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2003 and the coveted Booker Prize in both 1983 and 1999. Among his numerous acclaimed works are Waiting for the Barbarians, The Lives of Animals, Elizabeth Costello, Diary of a Bad Year, and Summertime. Coetzee was born in South Africa but is now a citizen of Australia and lives in Adelaide.

In her current environment, Mali is cruelly denied socialization, stimulation, room to explore, and everything else that is natural and important to her. She endures intense confinement, loneliness, boredom, and isolation in an area a tiny fraction of the size of her natural habitat.

A growing number of elephant experts—including world-renowned elephant veterinarian Dr. Henry Richardson, who just last month determined that Mali suffers from potentially fatal foot problems—are calling for Mali's transfer to a sanctuary where she can live out her days in good health and dignity as well as in the crucial company of other elephants. In addition, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III has issued a directive to relocate Mali to a sanctuary.

Photo Credit: Images Philippines
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Pinoy Float Wins Fourth of July Parade in Saipan

The float of United Filipino Organization (UFO) won the prize for the best float at the 2012 Fourth of July Parade in the United States Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI).

The float which depicts the "universal concept of unity and oneness" featured a man-made waterfall, girls in Hawaiian costumes and a man in Igorot costume.

The UFO received the prize money of $1,500.
'Mga Mumunting Lihim' - Cinemalaya 2012

'Mga Mumunting Lihim' - Cinemalaya 2012

Jose Javier Reyes' "Mga Mumunting Lihim (Those Little Secrets)" starring Judy Ann Santos is one of the five finalists in the Directors Showcase at the 2012 Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival.

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