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Mo Twister Talks About Abortion on Twitter and Tumblr

Mo Twister's mysterious Twitter and Tumblr posts leave readers intrigued.

Followers of Mo Twister's Twitter and Tumblr account were baffled after reading his posts about "abortion" in the past days.

Last November 16, the dj/host started to ask his followers about the intriguing topic:

"I have a question about abortion. Should the girl ask the guy what his thoughts are and should he have a chance to stand up for the baby?"

The next day, November 17, Mo posted the following:

"Because no amount of inconvenience could ever justify treating the supreme creation of God with murderous contempt."

Then on November 19, Mo uploaded on his Tumblr account a screen capture of the definition of "abortion." At the bottom of the definition, the word "monstrosity" was encircled.

He also posted the following on Twitter on the same day:

"young child, dont ever think you were never good enough. you just had no choice in the matter."

Then on November 20, Mo posted another intriguing message:

"guy says don't be bitter bout the overlap. She says sorry don't be bitter too. Bitter? Tell that to the young souls killed for convenience."

In his primetime showbiz talk show "Juicy!" on TV5, Mo Twister revealed to his co-hosts that his life is currently in a "dark place."

"...May isa pang bagay na malaking bagay na pinagdaanan, na I've been trying to overcome in the past year, na hindi related sa breakup namin ni Rhian. But it's something that Rhian and I have been trying to overcome together, and sana..." he started but his co-host Cristy Fermin interrupted him with a hard-hitting question: "Nakokonsens'ya ba kayo?"

"I don't know. Ayokong sabihin na 'kayo' because Rhian is her own person and I am my own person. Basta, I'm in a dark, dark place. I'm in a dark place," he replied.

"I'll be honest. I'm sick of crying on TV, and everyone you read on the Internet na Si Mo, parang babae, umiiyak. But if you understand how grave and personal, important, ang nangyari sa amin, maiiyak ka rin araw-araw. Yun 'yong nabubuwisit ako sa mga tao kapag sinasabi nila na dapat mag-move on ka na, babae lang 'yan. Yung mga hirit na 'yan, doon ako medyo nagagalit kasi hindi nila naiintindihan na it's not about a girl. It's not about moving on. Ang daming kong girlfriends before. I mean, I had three...five relationships prior to Rhian—and I understand the process of moving on. But I've never experienced this trauma. I've never experienced these hardships. I left ten years ago this very week, so medyo weird nga. I don't want to be negative, O, si Mo parang nagpapaawa or nagpapa-sympathy sa public. I don't care for anyone's opinion," he added.

Mo carried on talking about the "dark existence" with a certain person in the past year.

"I care for trying to overcome something na kung kayo naranasan n'yo, you will also understand how diffcult it is. Like, umiyak yung mom ko noong birthday ko recently. Sabi niya, I haven't seen my son smile in over a year. And I haven't smiled so... there's no finding happiness. Before last year, my life is perfect. And then, may nangyari lang sa amin, at may nangyari lang na hindi ko's been a dark existence, a very sad existence."


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