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Dyan Castillejo Champions Crusade for Fallen Olympians in 'Krusada'

Before there was Manny Pacquiao, several Filipinos already brought glory to the country through boxing. In fact, most of the Olympic medals won by Philippines were achieved in the boxing ring.

ABS-CBN sports correspondent Dyan Castillejo recently paid a visit to former boxers Anthony Villanueva and Leopoldo Serrantes, two of only eight Olympians who were able to bring home medals from the Olympics.

During their heydays, Villanueva and Serrantes basked in the spotlight and fanfare. But as the years went by, they seemed to have disappeared in people’s consciousness.

Now, Anthony is a stroke victim, while Leopoldo has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Despite their previous heroics, they feel forgotten and neglected at a time when they most needed help.

As an athlete herself, Dyan has made it her crusade to educate active and retired athletes about their financial and medical benefits. She also hopes to push for bigger and more appropriate benefits for the athletes that make our country proud.

Join her as she continues the fight of fallen Olympians and the search for laws that protect athletes such as the Sports Benefits and Incentives of 2001. Listen, take part and be one in her advocacy in “Krusada,” this Thursday (Jan 20), after “Bandila” on ABS-CBN.


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