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Join the 'Kandidato Anong Plano Mo' Social Media Advocacy Campaign

Did you know that aside from having the power to vote for the next set of Senators and local government officials on May 13, we also have the power to dare and challenge the candidates to "answer" the most important question: "Kandidato Anong Plano Mo?"

A study released by Universal McCann entitled "Power To The People - Wave3" declared the Philippines as "the social networking capital of the world, with Filipinos being declared as the most active users on a number of web-based social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It was also noted on the report that social networking is also being used in the Philippines as a form of election campaign material, as well as tools to aid criminal investigation.

In a democratic country like ours and with the power of social media, an advocacy campaign was launched titled "Kandidato Anong Plano Mo?" The campaign aims to mobilize ordinary citizens to ask THE question to those who are running in public office in order for them to address various issues in society like poverty, education, unemployment, graft and corruption, environmental concerns, population, health, and more!

If you're reading this article right now then perhaps you're one of million of Filipinos dubbed as "netizens" or those who have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account. Don't waste your power to voice out your concerns for the betterment of the country and the people. Join the "Kandidato Anong Plano Mo?" campaign!

Here's how:

1. Take photos of unaddressed issues by our government on your camera or mobile phone. For example: garbage, traffic, pollution, squatters area, beggars, street children, mangongotong, floods, etc.

2. Post the photos on Twitter and/or Instagram with a short caption challenging the politicians to include these problems in their platform.

3. Don't forget to include the hash tag #KandidatoAnongPlanoMo. And if you're using Instagram, you can also follow and tag @KandidatoAnongPlanoMo.

Check out the entries so far by clicking the image below:

At the end of the campaign on May 12, 2013, the best photos will be selected to grace a print ad for the next set of leaders to see.

So take part in this meaningful campaign and become a citizen journalist. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, and every picture that you will upload will be worth it. Ask our future leaders now: Kandidato Anong Plano Mo?


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