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Rhap Salazar Wows Ellen

After Charice, junior world champion Rhap Salazar performed on the Ellen DeGeneres show and wowed the new American Idol judge - Ellen.

Rhap performed on the top-rating talk show his winning piece at the 2009 World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA), All By Myself by Celine Dion. Ellen revealed that it was Rhap's birthday wish to perform on her show and Rhap said that he will never forget this moment.

Ellen described Rhap's voice as incredible and with so much power and emotion. She asked the 12-year-old champ who are his favorite singers. Rhap mentioned the names of Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Josh Groban and Beyonce Knowles.

Last July, Rhap Salazar bagged the Junior Grand Champion Performer of the World at the 13th World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA).

Source: Starmometer


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