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PH Sweeps Top Plums at the World Championships of Performing Arts 2013 (WCOPA)

The Philippine delegation at the World Championships of Performing Arts 2013 made history by bagging the two biggest honors of the annual "talent olympics": the Junior Grand Performer of the World and Senior Grand Performer of the World!


Aldeza Dela Torre (left) emerged as the Junior Grand Performer of the World while Beverly Caimen (right) was named Senior Grand Performer of the World in the 17th World Championships of the Performing Arts (WCOPA). Both Aldeza and Beverly were also named Vocalists of the World in their respective divisions.

This is the very first time that the Philippine team won the two major titles in the annual "talent olympics." All in all, they brought home 41 gold, 38 silver, and 26 bronze medals.

Other members of the Philippine Team include Cha Cha Cañete, Laarni Lozada, Chivas Anton Malunda, The Gollayan Sisters, Reynaldo Gorrospe, among others. They competed against the delegates from 56 other nations including host country, USA.

Photo Credit: Aldeza dela Torre's Facebook Fanpage and WCOPA

Cross-published in Starmometer


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