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Spotlight: Andrew Wolff - Mister Philippines World 2012

Get to know more about PH's bet to this year's Mister World pageant in England, Andrew Wolff.

27-year-old Andrew James Penaflorida Wolff is the Philippine delegate to this year's Mister World pageant which is happening at the Kent County Showground, Kent, England on November 24, 2012.

Andrew describes himself as an extremely competitive person, with an intense interest in business and sport. Andrew is part of the Philippine national rugby union team, a.k.a the "Volcanoes," playing as a flanker. His proudest achievement was beating South Korea to book their place in the 2013 Rugby World Cup Sevens Final in Moscow, the first time the Philippines have done so. In his spare time Andrew likes to play the violin, football, and badminton. His ambitions for the future are to become an established sports event organiser, building on his current business he has set up, and also to finish his degree in Finance. His personal motto is “Never give up on your dreams.”

Here are excerpts from his interview:

How have you found the Mr World Competition so far?

Andrew Wolff: Everything has been great. I really wasn’t expecting everyone to get on so well, the closeness of our group is something I didn’t anticipate. I was expecting a really fierce rivalry for the whole time we are here, but when we aren’t competing there is more of a camaraderie between us. It’s every man for himself in the events though. In terms of my favourite part of the experience, I would say yesterday’s trip to London has been the highlight for me.

What have you learnt about your roommate (Mr. Northern Ireland)?

Andrew: I think if there was a Mr Congeniality Competition, he would win it hands down. He just seems to get on with everybody, and is always happy. I find it much more difficult at times, when I’m tired or hungry it’s not so easy for me, but Northern Ireland just gets on with everyone! Oh, and also he likes to eat eggs. Lots of eggs. He will put the hotel out of business with his egg eating.

Who makes the most mess?

Andrew: Well we both do really. We don’t smell bad though, so it’s not really a problem. I would say it’s more of an organised chaos than a mess. Although I can’t find my name badge. It’s not lost though, I just organised it somewhere I can’t remember.

Who is in control of the iPod/TV Remote?

Andrew: Well we have no problem there. We have been watching the hotel’s music channel. We harmonize together over the songs that they play. We are a two man boyband!

So what are you most looking forward to?

Andrew: I’m most looking forward to finishing the physical challenges that the man from the Army adjudicates. He’s really tough on us, and it’s quite painful! He pushes us hard, but he only wants us to do our best. To really see what the limits of what we can do. He just wants us to really go for it. After those challenges, I don’t think I will find anything so difficult anymore!

Andrew, by the way, is the cousin of CNN Hero of the Year winner Efren Penaflorida.


Photos: Mr World Philippines Official Facebook Page


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