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Switch to Watsons Products and Save Up to 80%

Switch to Watsons Products and Save Up to 80%

Five years ago, the country’s economy was going through unstable times. Consumers were faced with tightening budgets, forced to choose where they would spend and where they would cut down. Watsons wanted help. So in 2012, they launched the “Switch & Save” campaign, an educational effort that showed smart shoppers how to save on their personal care essentials in order to afford more of the things they really wanted. All they had to do was shift from the leading brand to the Watsons brand.
Make Your Summer Sexy, Colorful, and Sun-Proof with Watsons!

Make Your Summer Sexy, Colorful, and Sun-Proof with Watsons!

Make your summer however you want it to be during this season of endless adventures and possibilities. There’s no holding you back now! Not even your fear of skin darkening or showing off your after-holiday tummy can stop you from conquering the sunny days! This year, Watsons says, make the summer yours.
Urban Rugged Gear: the Store that Caters to the Needs of the Active Mobile Lifestyle

Urban Rugged Gear: the Store that Caters to the Needs of the Active Mobile Lifestyle

URGe, short for Urban Rugged Gear, unveiled their latest lineup of products and accessories from 11 premium brands that cater to the needs of people who live an active and diverse urban lifestyle.

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